
Using Flash for Outdoor Photography

  1. Photography lighting tips
  2. Flash Photography
  3. Using flash for outdoor photography

Photography can be a tricky art form to master, but one of the most important aspects of successful outdoor shots is the use of flash. Whether you're a professional photographer or a hobbyist, flash can be a great tool for bringing out the vibrant colors, textures, and details of outdoor scenes. In this article from, we'll explore how to use flash effectively in outdoor photography and provide helpful tips and tricks for getting the most out of your gear. From finding the right settings to avoid overexposure to utilizing bounce flash techniques, we'll provide you with the tools you need to capture stunning outdoor photos. So, let's get started!

Choosing the Right Flash

When it comes to choosing the right flash for outdoor photography, there are several important considerations.

One of the most important is to decide whether you will use an on-camera or off-camera flash. An on-camera flash is the simplest option, as it mounts directly to your camera and is typically automated. The downside is that the light from an on-camera flash can be harsh and unflattering. Off-camera flash, on the other hand, allows you to move the light source away from the camera and create more natural lighting conditions.

Additionally, off-camera flashes typically offer greater control over the intensity and direction of the light. In addition to deciding between on-camera and off-camera flashes, you'll also need to decide whether to use manual or automatic settings. Manual settings give you more control over your flash, allowing you to adjust the intensity and direction of the light. Automatic settings, however, are more convenient and often more reliable in tricky lighting conditions. Ultimately, the choice between manual and automatic settings will depend on your level of experience and comfort with flash photography.

Adjusting Your Camera Settings

Shutter Speed: When using flash outdoors, it is important to set the shutter speed to a fast enough speed to capture the ambient light while allowing enough time for the flash to fire.

Generally, you should use a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second or faster. If your shutter speed is too slow, your image will be overexposed by the flash.


Choosing the right aperture when using flash outdoors is important for controlling the amount of light that reaches your camera's sensor. A wider aperture (smaller f-number) will allow more light to reach the sensor, resulting in brighter images.

However, if the aperture is too wide, the bright areas of your image may be overexposed.


When using flash outdoors, it is important to set your camera's ISO appropriately in order to achieve a good balance between the ambient light and the flash. Generally, you should keep your ISO as low as possible in order to minimize noise in your images. However, if you need to increase the brightness of your image, you can increase the ISO.

Keep in mind that increasing the ISO will also increase the noise in your images.

Working with Natural Light and Flash Together

Combining Natural Light and Flash in Outdoor Photography When shooting outdoors, combining natural light and flash can be very effective for creating stunning images. To get the most out of your flash, it's important to understand how to use it in conjunction with the ambient light. The key to successful outdoor photography with flash is to balance the light from your flash with the existing light. A good way to achieve this is to set your camera to exposure compensation.

This will allow you to adjust the brightness of your images by adding or subtracting light from the flash, while still keeping the ambient light level intact. When shooting with flash, it's also important to take into account the direction of the light. Placing the flash on the same side as the sun will create a harsher, more dramatic look, while placing it on the opposite side of the sun will provide a softer, more balanced look. It's also important to consider the distance between your subject and the flash when shooting outdoors.

If your subject is far away, you'll need to use a stronger flash with a higher power setting to reach them. Conversely, if your subject is close by, a lower power setting should suffice. Finally, when using flash outdoors, it's important to keep an eye on the color temperature of your images. To ensure that your photos are consistent in color and tone, make sure that your flash is set to match the ambient light in color temperature. Outdoor photography can be a challenge due to changing conditions, but with the right techniques, it can be a rewarding experience.

Adjusting camera settings, choosing the right flash, and learning how to work with natural light and flash together are all important steps in creating stunning outdoor photographs. Experimenting with different techniques and settings can help you find the perfect combination for your particular situation.